Before I get into the real reason for this post, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the lessons and gifts given in 2024. The universe certainly didn't hold back. From health issues and delayed projects to new directions and decisions, it's amazing we made it all the way to the end of the year in one piece! Thank you to every single guest, community, friend and family member who supported us and encouraged us to keep going. Thank you to our amazing staff for sticking it out in a turbulent year that never seemed to go the way we expected. You are the very cornerstone of our operations and we wouldn't be here if it weren't for each and every one of you.
Recently, Neil and I have made some decisions that some may not fully understand - that's ok. We usually keep most of our business decisions private, but this time because these decisions have impact on the community, I wanted to take a minute to provide context and clarity. Let's start with the beginning...
In 2020, just before moving here, I was burnt out, overwhelmed and exhausted by the demands of building a career and living up to unrealistic expectations. When we purchased the motel and moved to Port Dufferin, it was the promise of a more centered life, focused on slowing down and time with our kids. But owning and operating a business is anything but slow. It's constant work day in and day out. And there's little time for family and friends. While it hasn't been exactly as we imagined, it has been the most rewarding journey we've ever experienced and we are eternally grateful for our new life and friends.
In 2024 the universe clearly wasn't done putting us on the right path.
In late 2023 I started to feel very run down and tired. Like most women, I explained it away as being busy and stressed. But as 2024 unfolded I got weaker and more sick and eventually, I was unable to eat or drink anything. I spent weeks in bed and after multiple trips to the ER and a battery of tests, it was determined that I had a stomach obstruction. An emergency operation in May corrected the issue. When I first presented at the hospital, one of the doctor's informed me that he believed I had cancer. And in the hours between that conversation and obtaining the CT scan results that would tell a different story, I came face to face with my own mortality. And there's nothing more sobering to give you perspective on your life, then thinking it's over.
I spent a lot of time this year examining and reexamined my life, my values and my boundaries. Despite my resolve and focus these last four years, the last 18 months have been fuelled mostly by people pleasing (isn't it easy to slip back into old habits?). I've decided that 2025 will be a year of boundary setting and remembering our original reason for moving here. This is what brings me to this post.
Neil and I are committed to growing our businesses right here on the Eastern Shore. There's no place we would rather be. But sometimes the best laid plans don't go the way we expect - what's the adage? "People plan and God laughs". We are committed to bringing a bakery, expanded cafe and our long awaited Dome restaurant to the community - all in 2025. It just won't be in the beautifully renovated church hall we thought it would be in. The reasons are complicated and deeply personal, so we won't be sharing the details of our decision. But we do want to share our plans with you!
In early 2025 we will be taking over the vacant unit next door to the cafe and renovating it as the new home of the Cafe & Coffee Bar. This new space will allow us to provide an expanded menu that will include pizza (Yes real-take-home-pizza-party-pizza!). Once we complete the renovations and move the cafe to it's new home, the current location will be renovated into a bakery and pantry.
Our Dome project, which has taken a back seat in 2024 is set to be completed and open early in the New Year. It will open for special events, dinners and celebrations, creating opportunities for both our community and motel guests. We're very excited to finally see this project come to life and we thank each and every person who has contributed and supported us.
As this news spreads to the community, I'm sure that some will speculate or invent stories to fill in the gaps we have left in the story. Please be kind. If you have questions, please ask us we're always happy to talk to people who genuinely care and want to support. In the words of Will Rogers "Live that you wouldn’t be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip". Sometimes it's best to take stock, regroup and start again. That is what our 2025 will be about. And we're excited to see it unfold.
Neil and I look forward to sharing the new spaces for the cafe and the motel with everyone locally and those who come to visit our beautiful corner of Nova Scotia.